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Amphenol RF

Amphenol RF is based in Danbury, Connecticut, and has global sales, marketing, and manufacturing operations in North America, Asia, and Europe. Shenzhen, China; Tainan, Taiwan; Nogales, Mexico; and Danbury, Connecticut, United States are our major production locations. With over half a century of expertise, Amphenol RF is one of the worlds largest makers of RF connection solutions. Automotive, Broadband, Wireless LAN/RFID, Wireless Infrastructure, Military Aerospace, and Instrumentation all employ our full spectrum of RF connection devices. Connectors, cable assemblies, and passive RF components such as attenuators and RF switches are among the products we provide. After rapid development through half a century, Amphenol PF has accumulated abundant experiences across market segmentaion like Military Aerospace, Wireless Infrastructure, Broadband, Wireless LAN/RFID, Automotive and Instrumentation. By utilizations of joint engineering between the RF Department in Danbury, CT and our brother departments around the world, Amphenol RF is now providing 24/7 engineering development as well as operations evironment in order to meet every customers requirements. Thanks to the applications of Internet tools and other advanced design and analysis tools, Amphenol RF is capable to offer high-level seamless services for our customers.

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